College Rules

Mar 6, 2022



  1. All students should pay the semester fees on the date of registration during every semester. 
  2. Students are required to maintain absolute self-discipline in the institute campus. Violation of rules will result in severe disciplinary action against the offender including a warning of fine or suspension / expulsion from the institute or hostel or both depending on the gravity of the offence. In case of expulsion, the student will forfeit all the deposits and shall not be eligible for any claim.
  3. Students are expected to read notices/circulars displayed on the college notice board. Ignorance of not reading any notice/circular thus displayed shall not be accepted as an excuse failing to comply with the directions contained in it.
  4. A minimum of 80 per cent attendance separately in theory and practical of the concerned course is a must, failing which the student shall not be permitted to appear for both final theory and practical examination in the course concerned and grade ‘E’ (incomplete) will be awarded. The student must re-register the course when offered again, with the permission of the Principal (TNAU Rule. 6.0).
  5. Malpractices in examinations and misconduct of students (TNAU rule 12.3)
    1. Students found using unfair means during the mid-semester examination may be debarred from the College for the remaining period of semester and deemed to have failed in all the courses during the semester. 
    2. Students found using unfair means during the final theory / practical examination may be deemed to have failed in all the courses in that semester and also debarred from the College for the next semester. 
    3. For using unfair means of a serious nature warranting higher penalties than those indicated in clauses (a) and (b) of 12.3 the student may be debarred from the University for a period of two semesters or more or permanently with the approval of the Vice-Chancellor. In such cases, the students concerned shall not be allowed to sit for the remaining examinations in the concerned course or other courses.
  6. They are not supposed to leave institute premises without the permission of the Ward Counsellor, year co-ordinators and Principal  during working hours without valid gate pass.
  7. In case of illness, permission has to be obtained from the Ward Counsellor, year co-ordinators and Principal of the institute to remain absent from studies.
  8. Students are forbidden from organizing any meeting in the college premises or collecting money for any purpose without the permission of the principal.
  9. Student must show respect and obedience to all members of the teaching staff and non teaching staff as well as the managing authorities of the institute or else it will tantamount to indiscipline.
  10. Once the fee is deposited, it will not be refunded, transferred or adjusted in any other account. If a student leaves the course in mid-term, he/she will be liable to pay the balance of fee for the whole course. 


  1. All students will be required to give an undertaking duty countersigned by the parent(s)/ guardian(s) that they would abide by rules and regulations of the institute, including the hostels. 
  2. Students should always behave with decorum. Students shall not talk or act in any manner outside the institution in a way that would bring disrepute to the institution.
  3. Students should not indulge in the misuse of social media that malign the name and fame of the institution.
  4. Students shall avoid using any insulting, inciting, threatening language when talking with fellow students and should totally avoid violence.
  5. Students should not loiter in groups in the lobby or along corridor or anywhere in the campus.
  6. Students are not permitted to have mobile phone and smart watches with them when they are inside the campus.
  7. Smoking, consuming alcoholic drinks/drugs and narcotics are strictly forbidden. If noted, action will be taken as per TNAU Rule. 5.7
  8. No student shall take part in politics.


  1. Ragging of any kind is strictly prohibited. Any student found ragging shall be strictly punished by the management as per the law and rules of the TNAU/ Government. (TNAU rules 12.4,12.5&12.6)

Laboratory and Classroom

  1. Students should wear lab coats (provided by college), formal shoe (avoid cut shoes) and girls should tie the hair during practical classes
  2. Each student is responsible for the proper handling and safe custody of any apparatus or equipment that he/she may be using. In case of any intentional or negligent damage or loss to the institute property, the student shall have to pay the double cost of repair or replacement.
  3. Students should maintain silence inside the laboratory and should follow the instructions of course teachers & lab assistants.
  4. No student shall quarrel or misbehave with or use abusive language against other students or lab assistant and course teachers. Any misbehavior on the part of any employee shall be brought to the notice of the Warden who will take necessary action. 
  5. Students are expected to take care of the college property and help in keeping the premises neat and clean. Disfiguring of walls, doors or breaking the furniture is a breach of discipline and will not be tolerated. The students will be charged as the case may be.

Dress code

  1. Students should compulsorily wear their I.D card inside the college campus and also during the exposure visits.
  2. Students must come clean, tidy, and strictly adhere to the prescribed dress code of the institute, and the violating students will not be allowed to attend the classes.

For Girl students

  • Churidhar and waist coat is a comfortable wear for uniform.
  • Churidhar top and pant should be plain kakki colour.
  • Half sleeve for top is recommended.
  • Kurta collared closed neck is preferred.
  • Colour of the waist coat will be bottle green
  • Students should not wear any costly jewelleries.
  • Hair colouring should be avoided.

For Boy students

  • Regular kakki pant and half sleeve kakki shirt is a comfortable wear for uniform.
  • Avoid wearing slim fit or pencil fit type of pants
  • Students should not wear 
  • Students should not wear any kadas (Kaapu) and costly jewelleries.
  • It is compulsory to be clean shaven and also have a short haircut.
  • Hair colouring should be avoided.
  1. All students admitted in the institute must observe the rules and regulations that may be framed from time to time by the institute.