Academic Rules

Mar 6, 2022


4.1 Maximum Duration Permissible: The system of education followed for all the undergraduate programmes is Semester System with duration of four academic years (8 Semesters). The maximum duration permissible for a student shall be ‘n’ plus four academic years (16 semesters), where ‘n’ denotes the normal duration of the degree programme (8 semesters). The hostel facilities will be provided only for the actual duration of academic programme.

4.2 Credit Requirements: The minimum credit requirement for each Degree programme is 160.

4.3 Maximum Credit Load: A student can register for a maximum of 25 credits during a semester. Additional 1 or 2 credits shall be permitted at the discretion of the respective Deans of the colleges.

4.4 Course Teacher: The Dean concerned, in consultation with the respective Head of the Department, will nominate the course teacher for each course at the beginning of the semester. The course teacher shall be responsible to the Head of the Department in all matters connected with the conduct of the course. The Head of the Department will monitor the progress of the course(s) of the respective Department.

4.5 Academic Counselor: The Dean of the college will allot a group of not less than five students to the nominated Academic Counselor. The Academic Counselor will counsel the group of students in curricular and extra-curricular activities for the entire period of degree programme by conducting periodical meetings.

4.6 Class Time Table: At the beginning of each semester, the Dean of the college will prepare the class time table with the help of Coordinator of the respective year and announce the same.

4.7 Working Days and Time Schedule: Except Sundays and other listed holidays, all other days of a week including Saturdays are working days for the students.
Normal Working Hours: 7.30 a.m. to 5.00 p.m.
Depending upon the need, the respective Dean will decide about the timings. Time schedule may vary in each teaching campus to suit the local needs.

4.8 Commencement and Closure of Semesters: The date of commencement and closure of semesters as well as inter-semester break shall be announced by the Deans of the college. The schedule of the final theory examinations shall be announced by the Controller of Examinations in consultation with Deans of Colleges. The University through the Deans’ Committee should approve any deviation after dates are announced.

4.10 Academic Calendar: A common academic calendar shall be prepared by the Faculty Dean (Agriculture) every year by including the date of registration, date of mid semester examinations, final theory examinations, inter-semester break and summer holidays for all the undergraduate programmes, The Deans of all Colleges shall schedule the academic activities within the specified period without deviation.

4.11 Condensation of Semesters: The Dean conscerned has the responsibility to adhere to the common Academic Calendar. Howerver, under extraordinary situation upon the recommendation of Dean’s Committee and with the permission of the University, condensation of semester may be made up to a maximum of 10 days to cope up for examination schedule. The loss of classes in such cases should be compensated by special time table.


A course shall be offered only once in an academic year during the semester as listed in the course curricula and syllabi.

5.1 All eligible candidates shall register the requisite courses at the beginning of each semester IN PERSON under the guidance of coordinator. IN ABSENTIA registration will not be permitted under any circumstance. 

5.2 Registration without fine: The courses prescribed for a semester can be registered on the date scheduled in the academic calendar. The registration is also permitted on the second day (which is the first working day of the semester) without fine. 

5.3 Registration with fine: Late registration shall be permitted by the Deans concerned up to seven working days inclusive of the date of registration on payment of a late registration fee of Rs. 700/- (Rupees Seven hundred only).

5.4 Procedure to get permission for late registration: The student concerned shall apply with proper reason to the Dean concerned through the Academic Counselor and Coordinator to get the permission of the Dean for the late registration of the courses. Beyond the prescribed time limit, no student shall be permitted to register the courses for a particular semester.


6.1 A minimum of 80 per cent attendance separately in theory and practical of the concerned course is a must, failing which the student shall not be permitted to appear for both final theory and practical examination in the course concerned and grade ‘E’ (incomplete) will be awarded. The student must re-register the course when offered again, with the permission of the Dean.

6.1.1 For the first year first semester students, for calculating 80 per cent attendance the number of working days will be calculated only from the date of joining of the student. 

6.2 Students failing to attend the classes/ examinations on unofficial ground will be treated as ‘absent’.

6.3 Hundred per cent attendance is compulsory individually in each of the courses like RAWE, VSP, AITP, ADO/ADA/NGO placement and All India study tour and similar other programmes.

6.3.1 If any student is absent for field trips, the student may be marked absent for all the compensating classes on the day of the field trip in addition to the field trip courses.

6.4 The Yoga, PED, NCC/NSS courses shall be registered during first semester. Evaluation will be done at second semester for yoga, fourth semester for PED and NSS and at sixth semester for NCC.

6.5 Students deputed for sports, cultural meets, etc., with prior permission of the Deans of the colleges shall be given attendance for the period of absence. However, students under this category must have attended a minimum of 50% classes in the total theory and practical classes conducted.

6.6 Calculation of Attendance
Number of classes conducted for a course from the first working day as per the time table to the last theory class of that semester is to be construed as the total number of theory classes conducted by the course teacher. The mid-semester examinations are normally conducted during class hours. The attendance for mid semester examination will be counted as a theory class. Final theory examinations will be conducted after 105 working days.

PRACTICAL CLASS: The final practical examination will be conducted in the last practical class as per the time table which will not be considered as attendance for practical class of particular course.

The student belonging to a batch will attend classes and earn attendance in the particular batch only as per the time table. No student shall be permitted to attend along with another batch to gain attendance either in theory or in practical.


10.1 A student who discontinues the first semester (I year) without getting permission from the dean concerned will not be re-admitted. However, the student who discontinues the first semester (I year) for genuine reasons with the prior permission of the dean (within 30 days) will be re-admitted in the first semester of the next year along with the junior batch (I year) of students with the approval of the academic council.

10.2 Students admitted to any of the courses discontinuing their studies with permission of concerned dean before completing the course may be re-admitted to the course, if they should have completed at least one semester before such discontinuance.

10.3 A student discontinuing studies temporarily on valid and genuine grounds with prior permission of the dean of the college will be awarded grade ‘e’ for all the registered courses. The student has to rejoin with the permission of the dean at the beginning of same semester along with junior batch of students on payment of a re-registration fee of Rs. 800/- and semester fee.

10.4 When a student discontinues his/her studies in a semester (other than the first semester) on his/her own accord after getting the written permission of the dean concerned or by the order of the university, he/she shall be re-admitted in the same semester where he/she discontinued, along with the junior batch of students.

In case of revision of curricula and syllabi the student has to complete all the course works in the original syllabus in which he/she has joined, by registering equivalent / special semester courses (or) the student has to forgo all the courses registered so far in the original curricula and syllabi and register all the courses from first semester in the new syllabus along with juniors.

10.5 A student shall not be allowed to discontinue consecutively, beyond a period of two semesters. If the discontinuance period exceeds two semesters the name of the student will be removed from the roll.

10.6 A student who discontinues a course in the undergraduate degree programme is not eligible for admission again to any other undergraduate degree programme of the University. An undertaking to this effect shall be obtained from the student by the Dean concerned at the time of discontinuation.


11.1 The mid semester is conducted using the pooled question papers from all colleges and and answer papers evaluated by the course teacher concerned.

11.2 The semester final theory question paper for all the courses will be set by the Controller of Examinations after obtaining question papers from external examiners outside the University.

11.3 The practical examination will be conducted and evaluated by the external examiner with the help of internal examiner.

11.4 The Controller of Examination will arrange for evaluation of semester final theory papers with external examiners.


12.1 The results of the course shall be indicated by grade points ranging from 0 to 10. The minimum grade point to be secured for the successful completion of a course will be 6.00. Securing a grade point less than 6.00 in a course will be treated as ‘F’ and grade point will be 0 for calculating the GPA/OGPA. In case of course with theory and practical, minimum of 50% mark separately in theory and practical with an aggregate of 60 per cent is essential. An OGPA of 6.50 shall be the minimum requirement for the award of Degree.

of 6.50 shall be the minimum requirement for the award of Degree.

12.2 The following symbols shall be used

E – INCOMPLETE (Lack of 80% attendance)

12.3 Each course shall carry a maximum of 100 marks which may be distributed as follows:


(a) Mid-Semester Examination 20
(b) Final Practical Examination. 40
(c) Final Theory Examination 40
Total 100


(a) Mid-Semester Examination 40
(b) Final Semester Examination 60
Total 100


(a) Experiments 10
(b) Identification 05
(c) Short notes / critical notes 10
(d) Case studies 05
(e) Assignment 05
(f) Viva voce 05

Guide Lines

S.No.ParticularsRequirementAllotted Marks
1.AttendanceMinimum of 80% separately in theory and practical Pre-requisite for writing the final practical examination (Evaluated by external examiner)
2.RecordContinuous evaluation
3.AssignmentA. Presentation / Comprehension1 mark (Evaluated by course teacher)
B. Written part i. Web page copying not permitted ii. Should be hand written iii. Minimum two references from books2 marks (Evaluated by external examiner)
C. Answering the questions2 marks (Evaluated by external examiner)
4.Written Parti. Identification / spotter5 marks (Evaluated by external examiner)
ii. Experiments / field work / lab work / calculation10 marks (Evaluated by external examiner)
iii. Short notes / critical analysis10 marks (Evaluated by external examiner)
iv. Case study5 marks (Evaluated by external examiner)
5.Viva VoceMinimum of 5 questions5 marks (Evaluated by external examiner)

12.4 Return of evaluated answer papers: The evaluated answer papers of mid-semester shall be shown to the students after the examination. Discrepancies if any, in awarding marks, the student can approach the teacher concerned immediately, for rectification. The answer papers should be retained with the course teacher for six months and then disposed off. Evaluated final theory answer papers may be retained up to six months by the Controller of Examinations after the conduct of examination and then disposed off. The same is applicable to improvement/ re-examination also.

12.5 In the event of a candidate who has failed to secure minimum required mark to pass in the subject shall be permitted to write the re-appearance either final theory or practical or both examinations.

12.6 A student who desires to forego the chance of improvement/ re-examination is also permitted to reregister the failed courses as and when the course(s) are offered with the permission of the Dean concerned on payment of re-registration fee as specified by the University.

12.7 Revaluation/Re-totalling: A student can submit request for revaluation/ re-totalling in the prescribed format to the Controller of Examinations through the Dean concerned not later than ten working days after the issue of class grade charts to the student. Appeals received thereafter will be summarily rejected. The fee for revaluation or re-totalling is Rs. 600/- per subject to be paid in online in favour of the Controller of Examinations.

Revaluation is not permissible normally for practical examinations. However, the Dean of college, if satisfied, may constitute a committee consisting of at least three faculty members to moderate the marks of practical examinations. The report of the committee in such cases should be submitted within two days. The decision of the Dean of the college shall be final.

12.8 Late for Examinations: The students who are late by 30 minutes shall not be allowed to enter the examination hall. Similarly no student will be allowed to leave the examination hall within 30 minutes of the commencement of the examination.


13.1 The Deans of Colleges shall be responsible for dealing all cases of unfair means by students in writing records, assignments and examinations.

13.2 The invigilator or the course teacher concerned shall report each case of unfair means with full details of the evidence and written explanation of the student concerned to the Dean immediately.

13.3 The Dean shall take appropriate action on receipt of the report and the penalty may be as indicated below:

a) Students found using unfair means during the mid-semester examination may be debarred from the College for the remaining period of semester and deemed to have failed in all the courses during the semester.

b) Students found using unfair means during the final theory / practical examination may be deemed to have failed in all the courses in that semester and also debarred from the College for the next semester.

c) For using unfair means of a serious nature (which will be decided by the committee nominated by the Dean concerned) warranting higher penalties than those indicated in clauses (a) and (b) of 13.3 the student may be debarred from the University for a period of two semesters or more or permanently with the approval of the Vice-Chancellor. In such cases, the students concerned shall not be allowed to sit for the remaining examinations in the concerned course or other courses.

d) Details of each case together with all material evidence and recommendations of the Dean shall be communicated forthwith to the Registrar of the University. The Dean shall issue necessary orders and report each case falling under clauses (a), (b) and (c) of 13.3 of above to the Registrar immediately.

13.4 Ragging Rules: Students found involved in ragging or in any other misconduct, or if a complaint is received from the affected student(s) to that effect, will be immediately expelled from the current semester and the Dean shall further constitute a committee to probe and conduct enquiry into the matter and based on the report of the committee, the Dean shall pass the final orders on merit of case within three working days.

13.5 Unlawful Activities: In case of students found involved in any unlawful activities either within or outside the Hostel/College Campus, besides expulsion both from the Hostel and College, at the discretion of the Dean, the matter will be reported to the Police of the jurisdiction to be dealt with, in accordance with the appropriate law in force.

13.6 Ragging – An offence

Extract of Tamil Nadu Government Gazette – Extra ordinary dt.29.01.97 (Bill No.8 of 1997 Tamil Nadu Prohibition of Ragging ACT)

In this Act, unless the context otherwise requires, “Ragging” means display of noisy, disorderly conduct, doing any act which causes or is likely to cause physical or psychological harm or raises apprehension or fear or shame or embarrassment to a student in any educational Institution and includes:

Teasing, abusing or playing practical jokes on or causing hurt to such student or Asking the student to do any act or perform something which such student will not, in the ordinary course willingly act or perform. Ragging within or outside any educational institution is prohibited.

Whoever directly or indirectly commits, participates in, abets or propagates “Ragging” within or outside any educational institution, shall be punished with imprisonment for a term which may extend to two years and shall also be liable to fine which may extend to ten thousand rupees.

Any student convicted of an offence under section 4 shall also be dismissed from the educational institution and such students shall not be admitted in any other educational institution. 

Without prejudice to the foregoing provision, whenever any student complains of ragging to the head of an educational institution, or to any other person responsible for the management of the educational institution, such head of the educational institution or person responsible for the management of the educational institution shall inquire into the same immediately and if found true shall suspend the student who has committed the offence from the educational institution. 

The Deans of concerned college will have full powers to punish any student who violates the rules by imposing a fine, suspension or expulsion. Their decision is final and they need not assign any reason for the punishment awarded.

These rules will be altered or amended, and further rules may be added if necessary. All the rules for the time being in force should be observed by the students.